Tracy Grose joined our team in 2022 as a Sales Support Specialist. She comes with years of experience in a professional business office atmosphere mostly in property management. She did work at a Coldwell Banker previously, as an office administrator in Knoxville, Tennessee. Tracy moved to sunny Florida 5 years ago to be closer to her Father-in-law. She is married for 16 years to a wonderful husband who is in the banking industry. She lives in Orlando, Florida but works at the Lake Mary/Heathrow office for Coldwell Banker. Tracy grew up in beautiful East Tennessee prior to her move to Florida. Tracy and her husband do not have any children or pets but do have many Nephews and one Great Nephew whom she enjoys bringing down in the Summer months for them to visit. She goes home as often as she can to Tennessee to visit family and friends. Tracy assists our realtors with documentation, pre-closing steps/procedures and post closing follow up with Title companies as needed. She answers the phone and greets customers and visitors as she is one of the first people you meet when you call or come to the office. Tracy also assists agents in some marketing aspects such as the Great Window Presentation area we have with beautifully displayed flyers of current listings available from our agents to the public.